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1、Life is like Sophie, who has been enchanted by the witch of the wilderness, but can't say it!

2、Dream will not escape, will escape is always their own.

3、The advantage of being old is that there is nothing to lose.

4、Go straight along this road, don't look back.


6、When you can't have it, the only thing you can do is not forget.

7、It is human nature and sin to want to own everything in the world.


9、Embrace is the most beautiful language in the world.

10、Do not worry, the best always in the most casual不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。

11、The moment you want to give up, think about why did insist to come here.在你想要放弃的.那一刻,想想为什么当初坚持 走到了这里。

12、Love is a journey, we should treat each other well, because we have to go a long way together.



15、Even though the world is so bad, there will always be the most beautiful places.


17、I am nothing but silently guarding you!

18、The princess's compassion and friendship opened Wang Chong's heart!

19、Do not cry because it is over, smile on you.不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。


20、Don't forget your name, then you can find your way home.

21、Many times over the past always seems better because we added too many gorgeous pieces into.很多时候,过去,总是显得美好的原因是,我们追加了太多华丽的片段进去。

22、I was hurt all over. I traveled thousands of miles and searched wearily just to meet you.


24、Happineafter the easy road is as it should. - ?Ear to listen一路坎坷的人以后的幸福亦是理所应当。??侧耳倾听

25、You must decide your own affairs.

26、A person's first kiss is reserved for the most important person.



29、The only thing I can do is to guard you silently!



32、You are a good boy. Seeing you makes me think that human beings are still saved.


34、Food has great healing power.

35、I am forgetful all my life, only you can remember.





39、Believe me, we can be happier, because innocence is just an attitude.

40、If it doesn't fly, it's just an ordinary pig.

41、In the vast sea, meet, know each otherspend,whetheranyonewillnotbesmoothandonlyonewillingtopay toknow how grateful heart, in order to have a lifetime of love and happiness.在茫茫人海中相遇相知相守无论谁都不会一帆风顺,只有一颗舍得付出懂得感恩的心才能拥有一生的爱和幸福。

42、If you say you are cursed, living in the world is a curse.

43、It is impossible to forget what has happened, but it is just impossible to recall it.



46、Faith is from now on, never let go of your hand again.

47、Not because there is no best returns will not pay, not because there is no perfect outcome is not.不因为没有最好的回报就不付出,不因为没有完美的结果就不开始。

48、Laugh out loud, and you won't be so scared.

49、Do not forget to promise what I do, do not forget the promised myself to go, no matter how difficult, how far.别忘了答应自己要做的事情,别忘了答应自己要去的地方,无论有多难,有多远。


51、I'm taking her away!

52、We work hard, but you don't know it.

53、I want to see the world with eyes without hatred.

54、A woman needs to go through the origin of life to make herself beautiful.


56、We should strive to be a lovely person.Who do not complain, do not laugh at who does not envy who, under the sun bright, the wind and rain, run, do their own dreams, goits own way.要努力做一个可爱的人不埋怨谁不嘲笑谁也不羡慕谁阳光 下灿烂风雨中奔跑做自己的梦走自己的路。